Even if you are not the fastest person in the world, you can currently have the 'world record' on a track as the leaderboards are mostly empty, and hopefully this will push for people to challenge that time. Now this leads me onto what I would love to happen: I would love for people to start chasing down times on these leaderboards, posting whatever they get, giving people goals to work towards. So over the past few days I started uploading my races to the site, with a simple OBS recording put on youtube and started setting times. Now don't get me wrong, the dragonriding section looks very empty, but I have been told that they have just done an overhaul and added categories, such as Pure (Glitchless) for times which don't use any weird cheese which I was very happy about, as it makes the times much more accessible to everyone, rather than having to know about a niche cheese strategy to get the fastest times.

This lead me to finding that has a WoW section, which also has dragon riding times. Having played and loved Trackmania, this constant pushing to improve times really resonates with dragon racing, so I was looking for where we might be able to compare our times on a more global scale, as obviously there is always someone better than us out there, and we want to see what our goals should be, rather than just one-upping within the guild. This has led to some crazy advanced times such as a 51.999 second Flashfrost Flyover and an 81.824 second Un'Goro Crater run (all using no weird cheese). We use the addon DragonRidingRace to track times across the guild and get announcements when someone beats the guild's best time.

Within my guild, a few members compete to get the best times on different dragon-riding races. TLDR: There is a w ebsite for posting dragon-riding times to create a more competitive time set, I would love for more people to show their times off.